Filter Additive

Brand: Eaton Corporation

The BECO FilterAid filter additive is an innovative technological filter aid used to form the first pre-coat for filtering beer and other beverages. The product can also be used during pre-coating of highly viscous liquids such as must, yeast, sugar syrup, and others.
  • In many applications, the filtration of solid substances from liquids is the most significant production step. Today, pre-coat filtration in vessel and plate filters with filter aids such as diatomaceous earth, perlite and, filter cellulose has achieved a high technological standard. Large quantities of liquids with a relatively high solid content can be clarified economically.
  • During pre-coat filtration, the filter aids continuously give the filter cake new porosity for taking up solid substances and for maintaining a high throughput. Advantages:
  • The usual filter aids such as diatomaceous earth or perlite have a fine-grained structure. This can lead to the formation of "fine cracks" and "craters" in the filter cake. Turbidities and fine particles from the filter aid can thus end up in the filtrate. This can be avoided by using BECO FilterAid filter additive.
  • The clarity of the filtered beer is always greater than using Perlite or coarse diatomaceous earth.
  • The high adsorption power produces bright clarity: The extremely high adsorption effect of this filter aid filters out minute particles such as yeast, bacteria and protein.
  • Assurance through fiber-reinforced filter cakes: Cellulose gives the filter cake great elasticity and excellent adhesive strength on the filter elements. BECO FilterAid filter additive additionally produces assured interlocking and bridging properties that suppress cracking and cratering and thus prevent turbidity ruptures.
  • Long service life with low increases in pressure: The improved pore structure and pore volume increase the dirt holding capacity of the filter cake. Low increases in pressure keep the productivity constant over extended periods thus increasing the service life of precoat filters considerably.
  • An economical choice because of the long service life.
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